Knowledge is Power, the More you Learn the More you Grow, Always be a Student- these are all phrases that remind us of the importance of learning.
In creating Laissez Faire, my goal was first about the why and then the what. I love making products to support what you need, but even more I love helping others understand the why! When I get a chance to speak with people at Maker Markets, or if I get to chat with someone who wants something especially curated, I get to spend a lot of time on the why.
You will see a lot coming from Laissez Faire as we enter the next year. You will be able to take classes, have introductory sessions on topic such as herbs and how to work with them, crystal gridding, as well as more information on our YouTube channel (it’s in the works) to help you on your journey.
Coming soon will be information on the chakras, shadow work, and ancestral work. I am so excited for this journey. Also, feel free to ask me any questions! I am always happy to share, both what I know and what I am learning!